Find Number Of Days In A Month In VBScript

One interesting function I needed was to find the number of days in a particular month. Turns out this is more complicated than it sounds. I found an elegant solution online:

Dim numDays
numDays = Day(DateAdd("d", -1, CDate((desiredMonth + 1) & "/01/" & Year(Date))))

You just go to the first day of next month, then move back to previous day and there you have it: last day of current month.

There are several variations to the same logic that I could find. There is just one problem, this does not work for December because it is the last month. I finally ended up with this logic:

nMonth = Inputbox("Enter month number: ")
If IsDate("31-" & CStr(nMonth) & "-" & CStr(Year(Date))) Then nDays = 31
ElseIf IsDate("30-" & CStr(nMonth) & "-" & CStr(Year(Date))) Then nDays = 30
ElseIf IsDate("29-" & CStr(nMonth) & "-" & CStr(Year(Date))) Then nDays = 29
ElseIf IsDate("28-" & CStr(nMonth) & "-" & CStr(Year(Date))) Then nDays = 28
End If
msgbox "Month number " & CStr(nMonth) & " has " & CStr(nDays) & "days"

We can make even the year a variable if needed. Hope this helps someone :)